Bhoomit Tehlan

Contact: 7663898992

Jay Prakash Soni

Contact: 9251005586

Upcoming Events

About Us

Montage - The Photography Club, IIT Guwahati is a group of Like Minded IITG members, which includes mostly Students, Faculty members and staff members who expresses their Love and Passion for Photography and like to capture Beautiful moments and express their feelings in the form of Photographs. The Club members are mostly Amateur Photographers who come together and help each other’s to learn the art of Photography, and Undertake Photography as an Interesting Hobby. The club had been an integral part of IIT Guwahati Cultural from last 7-8 years.


Photography is our passion as well as a hobby. Celebrating Photographers is what we do. Our aim is to offer a platform on which Interested People of IIT Guwahati can promote their work to a wider audience and to help People pursue Photography as a hobby and also grow in their career. We want to stimulate conversation around photography and thus Promotion of photography in the campus and bringing like-minded people, interested in photography, is the main motive of the club.

What we do!

The Activities of the Club includes Photo-Walks, Photo-Trips, Workshops, Competitions and Exhibitions. We also capture all the Interesting Activities happening within the Campus. The most eye catching event of the club is its Annual Photography Exhibition- "Tasveer" organized every year. This exhibition displays numerous breathtaking photographs taken by the members of the club as well as by a number of photographers from the IITG junta whether they would be students, staff, faculty, etc. The photographs exhibited during the exhibition are then compiled in an Annual Photobook of the club. From its journey from film cameras to the modern digital SLRs, the club has prospered and has been successful in covering various happening and events of IIT Guwahati whether it be the Alcheringa, Techniche, Independence and Republic day or the inter hostel technical and cultural competitions. The Club has also been involved in organizing various photo walks throughout every year from its start for the photographers in IIT Guwahati junta and has also organized various Workshops.

Contact the Club

New SAC Building,
IIT Guwahati,